Microsoft Fabric and Delta Lake to manage real-time streaming data to boost your business insights.

I do enjoy talking to customers and discuss the challenges they are facing in the system, services, limitations etc. I may not be solving their architectural challenges instantaneously, but I would sleep on it to get the most optimized solution for their business model. (Remember – “Optimized” will vary based on the actual needs and depends on customer)

Key challenges of any business with conventional data processing system.

  • Most of the conventional system process the data in batches (hourly(s), nightly, weekly) which is considerably late for most of the business in the current competitive market.
  • To get the real-time feedback about your business/products from your end users/consumers.

To address the above challenges, I am demonstrating how we can make use of modern technologies to process the streaming data to make better sense of the data.

Note: Any data landing on a platform or in a format which is unfriendly to analyze are no better than having no data.

Architectural diagram to handle real-time data.

  • For the purpose of demonstration, we have used “coin cap” open streaming API which gives real time pricing of crypto currency, (focused on bitcoin price).
  • Using Azure event hub as the first landing zone to stream the data to second landing zone which is the latest Microsoft Fabric.
  • Spark cluster in Microsoft Fabric has been used to process and pick the relevant data which is essential for business insights.

Tip: You can use twitter or any social networking API to retrieve the data related to your product or service and understand the consumer feedback much faster and prevent brand name damage. Perhaps tracking product hash tag would be a better pick to start with.


Step 1: Set up the streaming python application. (Source)

Note: Here I am setting up a python application to stream the bitcoin Realtime price every second. EVENT_HUB_CONNECTION_STR = You get the connection string from Event hub namespace -> Shared Access Policies -> Properties of the policy. EVENT_HUB_NAME = event hub name, not the name space.

import asyncio
import requests

from azure.eventhub import EventData
from azure.eventhub.aio import EventHubProducerClient

EVENT_HUB_CONNECTION_STR = "<your event hub connection string>"
EVENT_HUB_NAME = "<your event hub name>"

async def run():

    while True:
        await asyncio.sleep(1)

        producer = EventHubProducerClient.from_connection_string(conn_str=EVENT_HUB_CONNECTION_STR, eventhub_name=EVENT_HUB_NAME)
        async with producer:
            # Create a batch.
            event_data_batch = await producer.create_batch()
            url = ""
            headers = {}
            response = requests.request("GET", url, headers=headers, data=payload)

            # Send the batch of events to the event hub.
            await producer.send_batch(event_data_batch)
            # A tracer message which shows the event interval
            print("sent to azure successfully")

loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()

except KeyboardInterrupt:
    print("Closing the loop")

Step 2: Setup up the Lakehouse in fabric

  • Login to the Microsoft fabric account and create a Lakehouse.
  • Save the path and URL of both tables and files (from properties). This is needed in our query to create delta late and spark tables respectively.

Tip: You can also download OneLake explorer app if you prefer Download OneLake file explorer from Official Microsoft Download Center.

Step 3: Code to consume the data from event hub and store it in a DeltaLake.

  • Use your event hub connection string, make sure that you have minimum read permission.
  • Define the streaming content.
from datetime import date
ehConf = {
  'eventhubs.connectionString' :'<your event hub connection string with shared access key>')
df_streaming = spark.readStream.format("eventhubs").options(**ehConf).load()
df = df_streaming.withColumn("body", df_streaming["body"].cast("string"))
  • Define the delta lake.
  • Files/DeltaLake/Delta_Tables/ -> Create subdirectories inside your OneLake “Files”. This is where you delta table is going to be.
  • “checkpointLocation”, -> This is my another dierctory inside files to store checkpoint files and other metadata.
  • Little modification in file path just to partition the data every day, this will give is the flexibility of choosing the subset.
df.writeStream \
    .format("Delta") \
    .outputMode("append") \
    .option("checkpointLocation","abfss://<abfss connection string saved earlier from one lake>") \
  • Define spark table from delta for analysis/reporting.
  • Spark table will be created for each day of data.
defTable='CREATE TABLE bitCoin_'"%Y%m%d")+' USING DELTA Location '+"'"+DeltaLakePath+"'"

Tip: Yes, I have the same copy of data in spark table now, its redundant data!!! Pick one on your convenience.

Let us check the table data via explorer.

Let us check the Delta Lake data.

Great !! files are loaded. Now we have to deal with json and process further to clean the data.

json we have -> {‘data’: {‘id’: ‘bitcoin’, ‘symbol’: ‘BTC’, ‘currencySymbol’: ‘₿’, ‘type’: ‘crypto’, ‘rateUsd’: ‘29017.4373609315518503’}, ‘timestamp’: 1692218138650}

For this demo focus are on crypto name, price and time. Hence thought of a view for picking what I want.

There you go!!! We have the real-time bitcoin price now.

Tip from fabric: Optimize delta table with small file compaction.

Hope this would help your business to deal with real data and take your insights to next level .

Happy learning. Thank You!

Hybrid data management

Current businesses are dynamic, so the data generated. Conventional RDBMS systems may face challenges hosting and analyzing this data, in this blog we see how I can make use of modern platforms and process data efficiently and with cost in mind.

Let’s start understanding the requirements from the customer and start modelling.

Requirement 1: Human resources department in company “X” needs to build and maintain a database to maintain their employee details, pay history etc.

Requirement 2: Finance department needs to build and maintain a database to maintain their sales performance data.

Common requirements to consider from their office of CTO:

  • They plan to integrate multiple departments and project this as a centralized single source of truth in future, so scalability is key.
  • Should be format independent to be flexible to customize as per the client requirement.
  • Solution ideal for analytical processing than transactional processing. They don’t plan to retire their conventional relational system anytime sooner.
  • Cost effective, at this moment features like High Availability, Replication are not needed and prefer to avoid saving few $. Cloud solution is ideal.

Considering all the points listed I will demonstrate how this can be accomplished using “Azure Synapse Serverless Lake Database“.

“Perhaps I will write how to implement this in Databricks lake house next time.”

A lake database is a virtual database created on Azure synapse workspace which points to one or more file storage beneath. (Database itself doesn’t store any user data in their table). To further understand I recommend referring.

Here I am implementing the structure encircled in red above. 


  • You already have a data lake with data loaded for HR data. (Parquet, csv etc..). If not, your primary focus should be to fetch data and store it in azure data lake. You may use adf pipeline or any ETL framework to extract, curate and load.
  • You already have an Azure synapse workspace and connection (linked service) established to the lake.

Let’s build schema for their HR data which is a best candidate for external table due to the reason that data is not very volatile and in fact the underlying data will get refreshed by an ETL/ELT pipeline every night.

Step 1: Create a lake database.

Step 2: Define the linked service for your data source and the format of the file for the purpose of lake database creation. (Please note this can be changed later for every table you create)

Step 3: Create Lake database table out of the data reside in your lake.

Tip: Partitioning your data in data lake is key here. Polybase do support wildcards.

Step 4: Point table to your source data lake directory

If all above steps are followed you should see the tables in your azure synapse lake database.

Tip: You can even set the relationship between tables for the purpose of data diagram.

Let’s query the tables created with basic SQL with joins.

SELECT te.JobTitle,te.LoginID,eh.rate,eh.payfrequency FROM [productdata].[dbo].[olap_tblemployee] te join [productdata].[dbo].[olap_tblemployeepayhistory] eh on te.businessentityid=eh.businessentityid

There you are.!!!

The “dbo” schema is reserved for the lake tables that are originally created in Spark or database designer. Hence don’t forget to call the three-part name of the object.

Now it’s time for building schema for the volatile data owned by finance department. For this , first we must create a “delta” lake. Delta lake is an abstract layer on top of my azure data lake. I chose delta lake for my volatile data due to it supportability of ACID transactions, data manipulation language including upsert and update, data integrity, streaming etc. (always finance department needs something additional out of their money…lol)


  • You already have a data lake with data loaded for finance data. (Parquet, csv etc..). If not, your primary focus should be to fetch data and store it in azure data lake. You may use adf pipeline or any ETL framework to extract, curate and load.

Step 1: Build a “delta lake” on my azure “data lake”.

–loading data into data frame from a parquet

df ='abfss://[email protected]/staging/SalesOrderHeader/SalesOrderHeader.parquet', 

–define delta location and save the data frame as delta

delta_table_path = "abfss://[email protected]/Sales/delta/SalesOrderHeader"

Step 2: It’s time to define the schema on top of delta lake. I prefer SQL for keeping it simple.

–create table from the delta location, point to the directory.

CREATE TABLE productdata.oltp_SalesOrderHeader
Location 'abfss://[email protected]/Sales/delta/SalesOrderHeader'

If above steps are followed you should see the tables in your azure synapse lake database. (I created two tables for demo)

Step 3: Here are few sample queries to select, update, insert operations.

--update the table the way you want, just like a SQL table

UPDATE productdata.oltp_salesorderheader 
SET status = 7 WHERE status = 5;
select * from productdata.oltp_salesorderheader

--insert a value into the table 

insert into productdata.oltp_SalesOrderHeader
values(43659,1,'4911-403C-98',1,776,1,2024.994,0.00,2024.994000,'B207C96D-D9E6-402B-8470-2CC176C42283','2011-05-31 00:00:00.000')

-- filtering
select * from productdata.oltp_SalesOrderDetail
WHERE SalesOrderID = 43659

-- joining two tables
SELECT sd.SalesOrderID,sd.orderqty,sh.status,sh.DueDate 
FROM [productdata].[dbo].[oltp_salesorderdetail] sd
join [productdata].[dbo].[oltp_salesorderheader] sh 
on sd.SalesOrderID=sh.SalesOrderID

Now I can read, write,join,merge,upsert,delete etc. !!!

Note: As of today, when I am writing this, delta lake is never a 100% substitute for your RDBMS system. Delta lake will be a better candidate if you have an application which doesn’t need high concurrency transactional processing. Most of the enterprise Datawarehouse has mpp architecture hence those systems can manage concurrency very well than delta lake tables without negotiating the performance.

This is how my database diagram looks like in with couple of tables from HR and Finance department. Having said that it is easy and fun to integrate multiple departments and tables.

Tip: I can even create a view, procedure and function in a server less database and point to the tables created on lake database.

Thank you, Happy learning!